7 Daring Places New Yorkers Shouldn’t Have Had Sex… But Did
Let’s talk about sex, baby. Living in NYC is stressful and sex gives us the ideal way to relieve a bit of tension. No wonder New Yorkers take opportunity whenever they can… and bone wherever they want. Here are some places people have admitted having sex in. (We’re not encouraging overly public scenes, but merely sharing a little insight.) Where have you done the dirty…?
1. Taking it in a Taxi

This brings a whole new meaning to hailing down (on) a cab…
2. Sexing on the Subway
People who can’t afford the taxi fair have been having quickies in the subway… and leaving evidence to prove it. (It was part of a hideous prank, but we’re yet to know if the condom was filled with hand lotion or the real thing).
3. Pashing in the Park
For the hippies amongst you, some of you have admitted to getting grass stains in Central Park…
4. Someone Else’s Hotel Room
This is a weird one, but there’s something to be said about cheap / free thrills. Especially when you sneak into an unpaid hotel room. We don’t know how it’s done logistically, but can only imagine it has to be done before the sheets are changed over…
5. Elevators
One for those who can’t get all the way up to the hotel room.
6. Museum of sex
Some people have confused the Museum of Sex in NYC with a museum FOR having sex. Damn tourists.
7. Laundromat
Killing 2 birds with one stone. Take your clothes off to clean ’em. Apparently, the washer is a pretty fun ride…
8. Bathroom
Toilets are a classic. Those looking for the most bang-able toilet in NYC, rumour is that it’s Bryant Park’s Public Toilets, 42nd St. and 6th Ave. Privacy: 2/10. Space: 8/10. Comfort: 9/10. Cleanliness: 7/10
Feature Image: Spoiled NYC
Originally published at secretnyc.co.